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Living Jesus

Jesus the Christ, Jesus of Nazareth is not simply a historical figure -- if Jesus is dead, then his story is completed and whose authentic words and deeds can be approached through research and Bible study. If he is alive, then his story continues. And therefore the Church affirms, Jesus is the resurrected Lord and Saviour not only of our faith but also of our experience -- he is present and can be encountered in the world today. Being a Christian, a disciple means learning this living Jesus by "putting on the mind of Christ" and being transformed in his image. His words are not simply an echo from the past, but rather new in each and every present moment.

When someone is living and we are in relationship with that person, our knowledge of the person is not static and may surprise us from time to time than in the case of Jesus being dead. Even more important, we can experience how Jesus acts toward and with us. And as a result of this continue contact, a relationship develops and our knowledge of Jesus grows and changes with at time life altering effects. This process of relationship, of learning and knowing involves us much more than memorizing Scripture but also is much more interesting. If forces us to never stand still but always to be on the go, growing, learning, and loving.

The living Jesus therefore is not a matter of studying a historical record, Scripture, but a matter of our being put in question by the One who has exceeded every expectation in ordinary human existence. That puts us into a listen mode, expecting Jesus to speak. As such, Scripture is a book about the heart of God most clearly shown in Christ. Scripture allows for question; Who is he? Who is he really? What is most natural to him? What ignites within him as he moves toward sinners, and sufferers? What flows out most freely, most naturally from him? Who is he?

How does God the creator feel about sinners, about me? This may already raise some eyebrows. Are we overly humanizing God, talking about his feelings this way? We are not the first one raising this or similar questions. Dietrich Bonhoeffer and many others raised many important questions and suggested answers are channels, not sources. God is the sourse and Scripture is the channel, showing us with particular clarity and insight what God has been telling us all along about His heart and in the latter part of the book we see that demonstrated in the life of Jesus Christ. The controlling questions remain: Who is he and who am I in His sight, and what does that all mean?

The gospel offers us less of a legal exoneration—inviolably precious truth!—but it sweeps us into a relationship we were intended for all along. On the surface, you might know that Christ died and rose again on your behalf to restore you; but do you know his deepest heart for his creation, and that includes you? Do you live with an awareness not only of his atoning work in a distant past for your sinfulness and much water has gone under the bridge since, but do you and I know and experience his continued love amid our many shortcomings and even rebelliousness at times? God's motivational impetus is His nature, Love. This being love and the expressed love, in biblical terms, is not part of who God is but the center of who He is. Love is what defines and directs His actions toward us.

It is one thing to describe and memorize what God said and did . It is something entirely different, something deeper and more real, to describe his heart for you and I now. It is one thing to know the doctrines of the Trinity and the incarnation and hundred other doctrines. It is, however, another, more relational matter to know his heart for you. Who is he?

If you want to know more, perhaps you touch base with us.


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